Recap, Ergo Expo Day 1

Day one of Ergo Expo is in the books and it was a roaring success. We received a lot of good feedback in just the couple of hours the expo hall was open. People were really impressed with the Mousetrapper, Microdesk and Koncept lights among others.

The Mousetrapper and Score guys talking to attendees

Day one is always a good time to catch up with people you haven’t seenĀ  a while, in some cases since last year, over a few drinks.

Afterword we went out for our Prestige dinner at Trevi with all of our employees that made the trip and Sasha from Penclic. It was a great way to end the first day.

The Koncept booth

Today starts Day 2 of the show, come by booths 302-311 to check out all of our manufacturers.


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